Bluenoser Savings

Bluenoser Savings

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Welcome Bluenosers and Non-Bluenosers!

Hello Everyone! My name is Alice and I have decided (like many of you already) to start a blog about my new favourite pass time, Couponing! However I have been looking around and I haven't found much in the way of blogs dedicated to the East Coast Canadians. I apologize though if any of you are reading this going "Well obviously she didn't see my East coast blog!" Really really sorry...sometimes my internet surfing skills suck :(

For those of you though who are not familiar with the term Bluenoser, it is used to describe a person from Nova Scotia, Canada such as myself. It's also named after a very famous Canadian fishing and racing schooner that was built here in the same province (You can see it on the Canadian dime).

So yeah that's where that comes from and as much as I enjoy talking about the lovely province of Nova Scotia and it's history, that's not what this blog is about.

I thought It would be neat idea to start keeping track of my of the deals I find and the coupons I can use them for. This is not only for my benefit but for others as well as things now and days seem to be getting more expensive then ever (*cough GAS*-excuse me) So why not try to have your dollar stretch as much as possible.

Please feel free to leave me comments on other sales that you see I will do my best to put them on here. While this site is certainly open to anyone who should stumble upon it, I really am only focusing on Coupons and deals that I find here in Nova Scotia. So if you find that I mention a deal on here and you go and try to find it at your store with your coupons it may not work.

Alright, let's not put this off any longer I am going to start posting the deals that I find in the next upcoming posts. I hope you find this helpful and hey, if I can let someone know about some great savings so they can put their money towards something else, then I've done my job :)

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